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Bachelor of Physics

Explanations of the examination regulations and procedures in the Bachelor Physics.

Currently, a new examination regulation for the physics bachelor is being worked on, so if you are just starting your studies, it may be that you will study under the new examination regulation. (Earliest start: winter term 2023/24)



Despite the greatest care, the information on this page is not binding and should be used with caution. Only the examination and study regulations published by the LMU are legally binding. This is merely a service provided by the student representatives.


Important websites

This list claims neither accuracy nor completeness and is intended to provide a general overview. For further information, we ask you to visit the relevant institutions.
The examination office for physics has a website that lists the formalities of the bachelor program, especially the bachelor thesis and examinations. Furthermore, there is a page with current news from the examination office, which describes the implementation of some rules in more detail. Furthermore, the examination board publishes some permissions that go beyond the examination regulations.

Examination regulations

For the "normal" bachelor physics the examination regulations of October 31st 2006 with the amendment statute of 2014 are valid, which only regulates new legal requirements for the recognition of examination achievements.

For the Bachelor plus Meteorology, the examination regulations of 2006 with the amending statutes of 2014 apply, which implement the same changes as for the normal Bachelor.

The Bachelor plus Astronomy has no approved examination regulations so far, the examination regulations of the Bachelor Physics with special regulations of the examination board apply.

Registration for exams

Are regulated by the lecturer in consultation with the examination board and are permitted, but not obligatory.

Attendance requirements

Are only permitted in the practical courses, more detailed information under General. However, an exam can be considered as failed if one registers and does not attend or withdraws for reasons for which one is responsible (i.e. self-inflicted reasons).

Obligatory practice sheet submissions

Mandatory practice sheet submissions are allowed (but not mandatory) in mathematics lectures 1 to 3 and in numerics. This results from Appendix 2 of the examination regulations.

In all other lectures, compulsory handing in of exercise sheets is not permitted, voluntary handing in is of course possible at any time.

Examination Duration

For an examination, whether oral or written, a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 3 hours are allowed.

Are the mark tables used admissible?

The pass mark may not be set higher than 60% of the achievable points, or 50% in the case that the point average of the first-time takers does not exceed 65%. There are no other mandatory rules.

Repeat exams

In the physics bachelor there is one retake exam for each of the compulsory lectures (i.e. all except the 12 ECTS elective), which usually takes place towards the end of the semester break. You can take both exams independently of each other, the better of the two grades counts.
If one of the two exams is passed, the exam cannot be taken again in the next year, even if only one of them is passed. Exception is absence without fault (usually illness, medical certificate as proof necessary), then the exam may also be written in the following year for improvement.
With the exception of the GOP exams, the Bachelor thesis and the final exam, an exam can be repeated as often as desired, but the maximum study time may not be exceeded.

Attempted cheating

If one is caught attempting to cheat, the module exam in question will be considered failed. In the case of repeated cases or particularly serious cases, the examination board may exmatriculate the examinee in question.

GOP examinations

The abbreviation stands for Grundlagen-und Orientierungsprüfung (Basic and Orientation Examination) and, according to the examination regulations, is intended to determine whether one is suitable for the course of study. At LMU, these are comparatively lax. Either E1, E2 or T1 must be passed by the end of the 4th semester.

Passing criteria and grades

All exams are graded "pass" or "fail" (5,0). Grades earned in Math (*) and T0 do not count for the normal bachelor's degree in physics, but the module must still be passed. An exam is considered passed if it is graded at least with a 4.0 (sufficient). The grade tables used for grading are determined by the instructor.

(*) In the physics plus meteorology program, "M4: Numerics (Physics)" is graded!!!

 Only the grades in the "Physics Subjects" count for the Bachelor's degree. The average is calculated as follows: (grade)*(number of ECTS points)/(total number of all ECTS points).

Obtaining ECTS points without passing exams

ECTS points for a module can only be awarded if the module (part) examinations are passed successfully. If successfully passed, the modules will be credited to the personal account, which can be viewed in the LSF under List of Grades.

Other forms of examinations

Online examinations are permitted under certain conditions (data protection and familiarization with the examination form). Homework or presentations are also permitted.

Deficiencies in the examination procedure

If you feel that the exam you have written contradicts the rules, you must report this immediately to the Examinations Office with the appropriate request, in any case before the result is announced.


The bachelor's program in physics is completed with the B.Sc. degree upon successful passing of all module examinations as well as the bachelor's examination and bachelor's thesis. Formally, the module examinations are seen as part of the Bachelor examination, but this has no influence on the daily study routine.

Final failure

If one

    Do not pass the GOP exams in time
    Have reached the maximum number of retakes allowed in a written exam and still fail the module
    Exceeds the maximum number of semesters allowed (usually 9 semesters).

This can lead to a definitive failure of the course of study. A resumption of studies at the LMU or other Bavarian universities is excluded according to Art.14 No.3 Bavarian Higher Education Act.

Extension of the maximum study time (due to Corona)

During Corona, the counting of semesters was suspended, so that the semesters SoSe 2020, WiSe 2020/21, SoSe 2021, WiSe 2021/22 are not counted as semesters of study, but the work done there still counts.

In case of valid reasons, such as illness, the maximum period of study can be extended. In this case you should contact the examination office as early as possible.

Compensation for disadvantages

In justified cases, the Examinations Office can approve compensation for disadvantages. According to the Bavarian Higher Education Act, every student has the right to support according to his or her individual condition. For this purpose, an application must be submitted to the relevant office in good time (approx. one month before the examination). The disadvantage compensation will then be arranged individually in consultation with treating physicians and therapists.

For many conditions, a disadvantage compensation can be granted, e.g. ADHD, hearing/vision problems, LRS, but also psychological conditions such as exam anxiety can be taken into account.

Recognition of examination results from other courses of study and universities.

For this you have to contact the recognition office, a prior consultation with the departmental student advisor is advisable. Please note that you will be upgraded from a certain number of ECTS credits per semester.

If you have earned credits at another university, you must transfer them to LMU during your first semester at university.

For further questions

Studying the study regulations can provide clarity. If you have any questions regarding the content and timing of your studies, please contact the Physics Student Advisory Service. For the recognition of achievements to the Examination Office Physics.

Last update: May 2022


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