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Long Night of the Universities 2025

30. April 2025 

18 bis 5 Uhr

LMU Main Campus -

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1


Free Entry!

Sale of Food & Drinks: CASH ONLY!

Free Coffee after Midnight!

Preliminary Program


English: Lecture Hall B101

Time Speaker Subject Title of Talk
18:00-19:00 Prof. Javier Esparza IT - TUM TBA
19:00-20:00 Dr. Daniela Schwarz Sports education - TUM TBA
20:00-21:00 Prof. Angela Casini Pharmaceutical radiochemistry - TUM TBA
21:00-22:00 Prof. Helge Stein Digital catalysis - TUM TBA
22:00-23:00 Jennifer Robb Veterinary medicine - TUM TBA
23:00-00:00 Prof. Viatcheslav Mukhanov Cosmology - LMU The Quantum Universe
00:00-01:00 Dr. Catherine Laliberté English studies - LMU Language change is totally fine, you guys
01:00-02:00 Dr. Nikolina Hatton English studies - LMU TBA



German: Audimax

Uhrzeit Dozent Fachgebiet Vortragstitel
18:00-19:00 Prof. Manuel Stoiber Psychology- LMU Bedürfnisorientiertes Lernen
19:00-20:00 Prof. Robert Schmucker Aerospace - TUM TBA
20:00-21:00 Prof. Oliver Peschel Forensic medicine - LMU TBA
21:00-22:00 Prof. Carsten Reinemann Communication sciences - LMU Meinungsfreiheit an Universitäten
22:00-23:00 Prof. Christian Pfleiderer Solid State Physics - TUM Wozu der Aufwand? Über die Forschungsneutronenquelle in Garching

Prof. Lilia Diamantopoulou-Hirner

Byzantine art history -  LMU TBA
00:00-01:00 Prof. Jürgen Richter-Gebert  Geometry - TUM TBA
Prof. Berend Feddersen
Neurology & Palliative Medicine - LMU Humor in der Palliativmedizin
02:00-03:00 Prof. Stefan Merkle Philology - LMU TBA
03:00-04:00 Philology Philologie - LMU TBA
04:00-05:00 Prof. Jochen Weller Astrophysics - LMU Die Dunkle Seite des Universums



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