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University Politics

Summary of GAF's role in university politics

An important task of student councils is to represent student opinions in higher education politics. For this purpose, student representatives are elected once a year at the university elections (Hochschulwahlen).


University politics - what, how, where?

University policy is generally carried out in so-called committees. These are working groups made up of professors, students, university workers and other interest groups that deal with specific topics such as manage money or improve teaching.
The following committees are occupied by the student representatives:

  • Faculty Council (FakRat 16, FakRat 17) is the most important body within the faculty; 2 elected student representatives.
  • The Student Council Convention (Konvent der Fachschaften) acts as the central student self-governing body representing the technical, economic and social interests of the students; 1 selected student Representative.
  • Study grant commission makes recommendations for what money is spent on improving teaching and studying, 6 stud. Representatives.
  • Appointment committees determine who comes to our university as a new professor and also teaches here; 1 student Representative.
  • Teaching commission works out and gives recommendations for the improvement of teaching and study; 4 student Representatives.
  • Senate is the most important self-governing body of the university, decides in content and form about all important strategic decisions; 2 elected students Representatives.


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