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Bachelor of Mathematics

Explanations of the examination regulations and procedures in the Bachelor's (business) mathematics.

Important Websites

The english version of the website of the Mathematical Institute is a lot less detailed than the german one, so depending on how good your german is you might want to check out the german version of the websites. You can start by looking at the german version of this website which contains an overview of important websites on the german version of the website of the Mathematical Institute.

A "detailed" and "current" course catalog is available here.

B.Sc. Mathematics

The most important page is the Degree Program page for B.Sc. Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute, which also contains some further links.

The current Mathematics Examination Regulations (2021) is the document detailing the various aspects of the degree and is legally binding, but it is only available in german.

There is a list of courses (2021), as well as a module manual , but both of those are also only available in german.

The earlier Examination Regulations may still apply to some. (Again they are only available in german)

2015:Examination Regulations, Courses, Module Manual

2011:Examination Regulations, Courses, Module Manual

B.Sc. Business Mathematics

The most important page is the Degree program page for B.Sc. Business Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute, which also contains many further links.

The current Examination regulations for business mathematics (2021) is the document detailing the various aspects of the degree and is legally binding, but it is only available in german.

There is a list of courses (2021), as well as a module manual but both of those are also only available in german.

The earlier Examination Regulations may still apply to some (Again they are only available in german).

2015:Examination Regulations, Courses, Module Manual

Teacher Training

Information on the teacher training program is available (in german only) here.

Mandatory Modules

BSc Math

At the beginning you should attend the mandatory modules, as these form the basis for your later studies. Later you can choose between the others almost freely. Compulsory modules can be found in the corresponding Examination Regulations, list of courses and the module handbook

It is recommended to take Analysis of One Variable (Analysis einer Variablen) and Linear Algebra 1 (Lineare Algebra 1) in the first semester, Topology and Calculus of Several Variables (Topologie und Differenzialrechnung mehrerer Variablen) and Linear Algebra 2 (Lineare Algebra 2) in the second semester, and Measure Theory and Integral Calculus of Several Variables (Maßtheorie und Integralrechnung Mehrerer Variablen) in the third semester.

In general, scheduling conflicts are less likely if modules are attended at the time recommended in the Examination Regulations.

BSc Business Mathematics

In business mathematics there is a lecture plan (again only in german) due to the many compulsory modules ( 2021,2015). While following it is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended.

Exercise Modules

Exercise modules are attached to the lectures Analysis I,II and Linear Algebra I,II. These are independent of the exam. You can therefore pass the exercise module in a different semester than the associated exam. The condition for passing the exercise module is the successful completion of the exercises. However, the exact passing requirements (e.g. the number of sheets) vary depending on the lecturer and lecture.

Resit exams

In the mathematics bachelor's degree, there is a follow-up exam for each of the lectures, which usually takes place at the end of the semester break. However, you are not allowed to take part in this if you have successfully passed the main exam. A passed exam may only be repeated in the immediately following main exam (except GOP) (usually in the following year), the better grade counts. Failed exams may be repeated as often as you like (except GOP).


The exam on the analysis of a variable must be passed either on one of the exam dates in the first semester or in the main exam of the third semester. Anyone who wants to take the make-up exam in the third semester must prove that one of the three exams was not passed through no fault of their own (e.g. illness). Otherwise, you will be exmatriculated and banned from studying mathematics. Once passed, the GOP may not be repeated.

Grade calculation

BSc Math


The final grade for the main subject is calculated according to §21 Examination Regulations by the average of the grades to be submitted. According to §10 (3) sentence 2 Examination Regulations, these are weighted according to the ECTS points, except for P1, P3, P5, P7 which have a grade weight of 9. The following grades are to be submitted:

1. the eight best module grades achieved in the compulsory modules P 1, P 3, P 5, P 7 and P 9 as well as in the compulsory elective modules WP 1 to WP 6 and WP 15 to WP 24, of which at least two module grades are from the compulsory modules P 1, P 3 , P5 and P7,

2. the module grade achieved in the compulsory elective module WP 7 or WP 8 and

3. the module grades achieved in the compulsory modules P 10 through P 13;

The final grade for the bachelor’s degree in mathematics is then calculated from the arithmetic mean of the final grade for the main subject and the final grade for the minor subject, in accordance with §21 (3) Examination Regulations. The final mark for the main subject is weighted with five, the final mark for the minor subject with one.

The final grade for the minor is calculated similarly to that for the main subject, this is regulated in §21 (2) Examination Regulations.


The final grade for the main subject is calculated according to §21 Examination Regulations by the average of the grades to be submitted. According to §10 (3) sentence 2 Examination Regulations, these are weighted according to the ECTS points. The following grades are to be submitted:

1. the best three from Analysis 1 (P1)&2 (P5) and Linear Algebra 1 (P3)&2 (P7)

2. the two best from Analysis 3 (P9), stochastics (P10) and numerics (P13)

3. Exemplary deepening 1 (P12)

4. the best of Programming 1 (P11)&2 (WP13), Exemplary deepening 2 (WP12) and Computational Mathematics (WP11)

5. the three best from the elective modules WP6-WP10 and WP14-WP21

6. the grade of the bachelor thesis (P14)

These grades are offset against the minor subject grade at a ratio of 5 to 1. The minor subject grade is usually calculated from the arithmetic mean of the individual examinations, but can vary depending on the minor subject.

§21 (2) Examination Regulations is important for the final grade for the minor.

BSc Business Mathematics


The final grade is calculated according to §21 Examination Regulations by the average of the grades to be submitted. According to §10 (3) sentence 2 Examination Regulations, these are weighted according to the ECTS points. The following grades are to be submitted:

1. the three best module grades achieved in the compulsory modules P 1, P 3, P 5 and P 7,

2. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 9 and P 12,

3. the two best module grades achieved in the compulsory modules P 10, P 14 and P 15,

4. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 11 and P 16,

5. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 17 and P 21,

6. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 13 and P 20,

7. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 18 and P 19,

8. the two best module grades achieved in the compulsory elective modules WP 1, WP 2, WP 3 and WP 4,

9. those in the compulsory elective module WP 5 or WP 6 or WP 7,

10. the module grade achieved in the compulsory module P 22;


The final grade is calculated according to §21 Examination Regulations by the average of the grades to be submitted. These are weighted according to the ECTS points. The following grades are to be submitted:

1. the three best module grades achieved in the compulsory modules P 1, P 3, P 5 and P 7,

2. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 9 and P 12,

3. the two best module grades achieved in the compulsory modules P 10, P 14 and P 15,

4. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 11 and P 16,

5. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 17 and P 21,

6. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 13 and P 20,

7. the best module grade achieved in the compulsory modules P 18 and P 19,

8. the two best module grades achieved in the compulsory elective modules WP 1, WP 2, WP 3 and WP 4,

9. the module grade achieved in the compulsory elective module WP 5 or WP 6 or WP 7,

10. the module grade achieved in the compulsory module P 22;

Examination inspection

The lecturers should provide access to the exam. If this does not happen, an inspection can be requested within 6 months after the examination.

According to a regulation from the Bologna, everyone has the right to copy or take photos of the documents. This is only possible in justified cases, but it is not sufficient for the same test to be written again later.


It is possible to take part in an exchange
as part of the mathematics course Participate in a program with a foreign university. To do this, you must apply in by January 15 for the academic year beginning the following September. More information can be found on the Erasmus website.


Company internship: an internship of at least 2 weeks that is related to the mathematics degree can be credited as a WP12 module with 3 ECTS (Examination Regulations 2021, but this also exists in 2015). An internship report is required for this.

The "Kontoauszug" or also called transcript of records is a document on which all passed modules are listed with grades. You can get this at the contact point for mathematics students at PANI  (the Website is only available in german) by email and will then receive it after a while. Further information is available on the website transcript of records for bachelor's and master's degree courses (this Website is also only available in german) the contact point for mathematics students at PANI. You can also get a certification of the transcript of records from the contact point.

For students studying by Examination Regulations from 2019 or 2021 there is an online transcript of records function via the LSF, more information at transcript of records via LSF for bachelor's and master's students in mathematics with PO version 2019 and 2021 (again only in german).

If you have any questions, the GAF is happy to help, by email at: or in person in room B038.


Last updated December 2022


Despite the greatest care, the information on this site is not binding and should be treated with caution. Only the examination regulations published by the LMU are legally binding. This is only a service of the student representatives.


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