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AK O-Phase

The AK O-Phase is responsible for organizing the O-Phase for first-year students in the subjects of computer science, mathematics, and physics, as well as providing information to first-year students and prospective students on behalf of the student association.

The O-Phase offers first-year students the opportunity to get to know their peers, become familiar with the LMU campus, and receive tips on studying from experienced students.

If you want to help ensure that first-year students have a good start to their studies or if you have suggestions for improvement, simply send us an email, or feel free to just come to one of the AK meetings. After all, the more the merrier (more detailed information on both can be found under "Responsible & Contact"). Organizing the orientation phase is an excellent way to get involved in the student association.

If you don't have time to participate in organizing the O-Phase, but still want to help, you can also sign up as a tutor for the O-Phase. The registration is usually activated during the course of the summer semester.


Responsible & Contact


     Yannick                 Laura      

  • General inquiries by email:
  • Participation requests by email:
  • Meeting: During the lecture time, meetings take place every 2 weeks. These meetings take place on Mondays at 6pm in room B038  in the mathematics building.
    Next meeting: 24.06.2023


We are responsible for


Current projects

  • Planning the O-Phase for winter semester 21/22
  • Planning the Ersti weekend (EWO)
  • Planning the grill party that takes place during the O-Phase
  • Organization of presentations on GAF and beginning of the semester
  • Keeping the Before Studying section of the student association website up to date.


News from the meetings

Next meeting: 24.06.2023


Update: 04.03.2024

  • Following a notice from a student that Signal will soon also hide phone numbers, we have decided to use Signal for the first-semester groups.
  • The procurement of beer table sets was discussed.
  • Planning for the buttons was advanced.


Update: 26.02.2024

  • Parts of the feedback from the last orientation phase, which had been left pending until now, were discussed.
  • Planning for the short presentations has begun.


Update: 27.11.2023

  • The O-Phase for the WiSe24/25 will take place from 09.10.24 till 11.10.24
  • The "Kneipertour" will be renamed to "Ersti-Einkehr"


Update: 27.11.2023

  • On the O-Phase 24/25 we will advertise (math) pre-courses
  • We will use Discord to communicate with first-year students starting next year
  • The scalar of despair has been replaced by the scalar of hope


Update: 13.11.2023

  • The continuation of the collaboration with the CL was discussed.
  • Suggestions from the KIF were deliberated.
  • In general, the implementation of feedback from the last O-Phase is now underway.


Update: 30.10.2023

  • The time just before the O-Phase was a bit stressful, which is why there were no meeting news. From now on, they should come regularly again.
  • The O-Phase took place.
  • Alternatives to the cloth bags were discussed because they are becoming too expensive.
  • Currently, we are busy with the follow-up of the O-Phase.


Update: 11.09.2023

  • The planning of the CIP introductions for math firstsemesters during the o-phase was discussed.
  • Changes to the structure of the WSIR1 lecture were discussed.
  • The telephone connection in the Gumbel was tested.


Update: 04.09.2023

  • The planning of the short presentations is now being tackled.
  • Measures to improve data protection were discussed and are now being implemented.
  • The approach regarding COVID-19 was evaluated.


Update: 28.08.2023

  • The Ersti Einstein has been completed and will soon go into printing
  • A potential cooperation with the Computer Linguistics Student Association was discussed
  • An update on the planning of the EWO was provided


Update: 21.08.2023

  • A working session was held regarding the Einstein, which is now almost finished
  • We will soon start advertising the tutor position on social media


Update: 14.08.2023

  • The planning of the 'beer garden' on the first day of O-phase was advanced
  • There was an update regarding the planning of the EWO
  • The completion of the Ersti-Einstein has progressed


Update: 07.08.2023

  • The content of the Ersti-Einstein, as well as the next steps for finalizing the content of the Einstein, were discussed
  • It was discussed which social media channels should be promoted and how they should be promoted


Update: 31.07.2023

  • The Helfika advertisement was discussed
  • The planning of the campus tours was discussed


Update: 17.07.2023

  • The schedule for printing the Ersti-Einstein was discussed
  • The documentation of the EWO was discussed


Update: 03.07.2023

  • Changes regarding the printing of Einstein were discussed
  • The to-dos until August were reviewed


Update: 19.06.2023

  • Ideas were discussed on how to raise awareness about harassment during the O-Phase
  • The registration, for the O-Phase, for first-semester students is being tested and will be activated soon


Update: 05.06.2023

  • The registration for the Tutors has now been enabled
  • The content of the first semester bags was further discussed
  • The advertising for the first semesters and Tutors will start soon


Update: 22.05.2023

  • The orders for the firstsemesterbags were discussed and will be addressed.
  • The registration for tutors still has some issues. Once these are resolved, the registration will be activated.

Update: 08.05.2023

  • The tutor advertising was discussed.
  • During this discussion, the registration process for the tutors was tested.
  • It should be activated soon.
  • The design was discussed as well.


Update: 24.04.2023

  • We discussed how to handle the new printer
  • The to-dos until August were discussed


Update: 03.04.2023

  • The Subject Presentation "Info" should be moved forward to 12 o'clock
  • Many small things were discussed


Update: 20.03.2023

  • The subject list for the O-Phase has been updated
  • The date for the work session where the buttons will be made has been set for March 28th at 1pm
  • During the O-Phase, there will be an opportunity for tutors to return their O-Phase shirts
  • We want to ask the deans of studies of our subjects to greet the freshmen at the welcome speech at the beginning of the O-Phase


Update: 13.03.2023

  • Pending tasks until April have been reviewed and assigned to people.
  • Description texts for pending tasks until April have been improved.


Update: 06.03.2023

  • Suggestions for improving the documentation were discussed.
  • Suggestions for improving the AK website were discussed.


Update: 27.02.2023

  • Suggestions for improving work processes were discussed.
  • The Before studying section has been updated.


Update: 06.02.2023

  • During the semester break there will be Ophase sessions every week instead of every 2 weeks.


Update: 23.01.2023

  • We will not use the BWL O-Phase app.
  • There will again be a short presentation on the student council at the O-phase.
  • The AK website will be improved.


Update: 09.01.2023

  • Someone is testing the BWL's O-Phase app.
  • Categorization of uncategorized todos.



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