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University elections: physics

In the summer term 2020 the university elections will take place by postal vote until 23 June. On this page, the candidates of the physics (GAF) introduce themselves.

Due to the special situation it will be carried out by postal vote this semester. The documents will be sent by mail.


General information about the university elections can be found here (in german):


Our candidates

Anna Ivleva

Course: Bachelor Physics with specialisation in Astrophysics

Semester: 6

Why do I want to be elected?
For about one and a half years I have been involved in the field of university policy and student representation. My office as student representative in the faculty council was not only fun, but I was also able to learn many new things. I would like to use this experience in the coming term of office to be able to implement the students' concerns even better.


Helen Zwölfer

Course: Bachelor Physics
Semester: 2

Why do I want to be elected?
Since the last semester I have been active in the AK Lehre- und Studium and I would like to do more for the students in university politics in order to continuously improve our studies.


Antoine Pihet

Course: Bachelor Physics
Semester: 2

Why do I want to get elected?
I would like to make a special effort to ensure good teaching, which is why I have been actively involved in the AK Lehre- und Studium since my first semester. One of my last tasks was to create the survey on online teaching this semester together with other people from GAF.


Jakob Brenner

Course: Master Physics
Semester 1

Why do I want to be elected?
This semester I would like to represent you again in the Convention of Student Representatives and in the Study Grant Commission.


Vincent Weiß

Course: Bachelor Physics
Semester: 4

Why do I want to be elected?
I have enjoyed working for the GAF in various committees, such as the Teaching Commission or Campus AG, and I find it incredibly exciting to gain a deeper insight into university policy. Furthermore, I think it is very important that all students have the opportunity to pass on their suggestions and wishes and to contribute directly or indirectly to further improve university life. In order to be able to act as a contact person for my fellow students, I had myself nominated for the university election.


Lukas König

Course: Master Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP)
Semester: 2

Why do I want to be elected?
As a TMP student, my goal is to represent the other students from my programme in the GAF.
As a lot of international Students take part in this program, I care about their representation in particular.
Accessibility of all parts of the university to non-German speakers is very important to me.
With any suggestions on this (or other) topics, please contact me at my GAF-address.


Ramona Mühleisen

Course: Bachelor Physics plus Meteorology
Semester: 4

Why do I want to be elected?
I have been coordinator for the O-Phase since 2017 and work in the background on various GAF projects. I also represent our student council at the federal student council conferences of physics and computer science. Therefore, I would like to represent the student council as a student council spokesperson, also to pass on my experience and tasks to new student councils next year.


Marie Mähnert

Course: Bachelor Physics plus Meteorology
Semester: 5

Why do I want to be elected?
Through my election you will ensure that there will be elected members of the student council Physics/ GAF from the field of meteorology again this year, so that students of meteorology will not be underrepresented. Furthermore, I would be happy to strengthen the student council  again as (this time deputy) student council spokesperson.


Korbinian Felber

Course: Master Physics
Semester: 2

Why do I want to be elected?
I have been actively involved in the student council since 4 years and have been able to gather a lot of experience. I would like to pass this on to younger people now (before the master thesis starts) and also to introduce the new student representative to the faculty council.


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