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Good Teaching Awards from GAF

The GAF awards the annual Good Teaching Award for outstanding teaching by tutors and lecturers in physics, computer science and mathematics. The "Goldene Sommerfeld" for Physics has already been awarded since 2017. In 2022, the "Goldene Carathéodory" (Mathematics) and the "Computer Science Teaching Award" have been awarded for the first time.

Currently there is no teaching award. If you are interested in helping, do not hesitate to contact us!


Der Goldene Sommerfeld (Physics)

This is the Physics Teaching Award, named after the famous theoretical physicist and former Professor at LMU Arnold Sommerfeld. You can find the prize winners of the last years here.

Der Goldene Carathéodory (Mathematics)

The Mathematics Teaching Prize is named after a former mathematics professor at the LMU, Constantin Carathéodory. You can find the prize winners of the last years here.

Computer Science Teaching Award

This prize is awarded for both informatics and media informatics. You can find the prize winners of the last years here.


Who can win an award?

The teaching awards are open to all those who have primary responsibility for a course (lecture, tutorial).

However, there are a few regulations:

  • Lecturers who have received the Good Teaching Award for a course cannot be nominated for the next three awards with the same course.
  • Tutors and lecturers can only receive one prize in a year
  • Each of the three prizes is awarded to a lecturer in both the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.
  • Three bachelor tutorials and one master tutorial are awarded per teaching award



Awarding 2022:




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