Additional courses
Language courses
There is a huge range of language courses at the LMU, which you can find in the LSF under "Fakultätsübergreifende Veranstaltungen" -> "Sprachenzentrum".
IT courses
If you want to improve your computer skills, you can take part in one of the IT courses. The following courses are offered in the winter semester 2015/16:
Introduction to programming for physics students: one-hour lecture followed by an hour-long exercise. The event takes place three times a week at the CIP.
Software tools for physicists: one-week block lecture with exercises, 05.10.-09.10.2015, 10: 00–12: 30 and 13: 30–16: 00.
Programming in Python for physicists: one-week block lecture with exercises, 28.09.-02.10.2015, 10: 00–12: 00 and 13: 30–16: 00.
Introductory latex course: 5-day introduction
LMU-Plus: The women's representative program offers seminars on various topics, from "Presenting in English" to "Writing a critical essay on questions of gender and diversity competence".