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Corona virus information

Important information from the university about the corona virus (last change: 6 Nov, Upate on WiSe 21/22)

The LMU keeps a website up to date on which it provides information about the corona virus:

There are also information pages for

Check these pages regularly to keep you up to date.

Table of Contents

Advice offers

What will the teaching activity look like in the winter semester 2021/22?

Exams and Exam Modalities

Ophase Wintersemester 2021


Café Gumbel


CIP pools



Advice offer

The Studentenwerk's advice centre has asked us to inform you that their services will continue to be available. So if you have major worries, problems due to lost jobs or expiring leases, etc., you can contact their counseling office.

nightline München
The nightline Munich is a "Zuhörtelefon" (which means that you can call there and they will listen to you) from students for students.

Women's representative
The Women's Representative has set up an emergency fund for female students and young female scientists.

What will the teaching activity look like in the Winter semester 2021/22?

In the winter semester, face-to-face teaching is possible again. The decision for face-to-face, online or hybrid teaching is up to the respective lecturers.

Computer Science:
The Institute of Computer Science has not yet published any information for the winter semester, but in the summer semester they let the teaching take place online. More detailed information about the last semester can be found on and on the lecture website (if existing):

The institute for Mathematics has also not yet released any information about the winter semester schedule. It is best to inform yourself on the websites of the lectures and ask lecturers of your courses.

The facutly for Physics intends to teach in presence again if possible and have planned rooms for this. However, since it depends strongly on the political framework, reliable information will probably not become available until late September at the earliest.

We have put together a small overview of programs and offers that facilitate self-study and group learning in times of social distancing. It can be found here.


Exams and Exam Modalities

At the moment it is still unknown in which format exams will take place at the end of WiSe 2021/22. It is best to keep an eye on the information channels of the individual courses, as the examination format is up to the lecturers.

For past online semesters, there were LMU regulations for conducting online exams:


O-Phase Wintersemester 2021

All information can be found here:




Die LMUCard, unser Studierendenausweis, wird zur Zeit postalisch versand. Um ihn für die nächsten Semester zu validieren, gibt es an der Uni Validierungsautomaten. Genauere Informationen dazu findest du hier:


Closure of the Cafe Gumbel

The Cafe Gumbel is closed indefinitely. We ask you to take this into account and prefer to stay at home.
In addition, the student council's office is not staffed.

Don't worry about the plant in the gumbel, it will be taken care of by a student body icon at home in the meantime.

Are the libraries open?

Some university libraries open to borrow books. Reading- and workplaces must be booked through an online reservation portal.
The Department of Mathematics, Physics and Meterology Library has now reopened for borrowing:
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 8 pm.

If you received your LMU ID card by mail, you have to activate it online first to be able to borrow. See the library website for details.
General info:


Are the CIP pools open?

The CIP pools are closed until further notice. The computers of physics and computer science (current status at can still be accessed online.

However, there is a CIP pool accessible at the Mail Library. More information:

Are the canteens open?

Some canteens have opened again:


The current situation is of course not easy, neither for the university nor for the students. But there is nothing left but to wait and drink tea until it is clear how to proceed. Stay healthy and until better times!


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